29 Aug 15Creatives 15Days x CCF Spotlight: David “Sketch” Butler
1. What do you do and where do you do it?
I am an Artist and Educator, based in Columbus, OH. I mostly work from home in my Studio (aka Le Garage) painting or in my basement working on illustration work while watching reruns of The Cosby Show!
2. Who/What are your biggest influences?
Holistically, my family. I am blessed with strong, pulchritudinous, kind, funny, and extremely intelligent women in my life who keep me grounded. My wife, mother, my two sisters, my nieces, mean the world to me. I have the best Pops, he taught me, cultivated and supported my talent. And of course, All my long distance family in St. Louis remind me of my life’s journey and how blessed I am.
Artistically, My fellow creatives #CCF fam!! Kehinde Wiley, Floyd Cooper, NC Wyeth, Larry W. Collins, Kara Walker, Lonnie Graham, Kadir Nelson, Joe Madureira, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Frank Frazetta, Dali, Kahlo, Marlon West, Bruce Smith, Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston
What… Art that moves my thoughts, Possibility of changing the status quo, music, Black Culture, pop culture, The “-isms” of the world.
3. What does the term Creative Control mean to you?
Building a community, instead of waiting to be let in one. Doing the work with what you have, rather than complaining about what you don’t. Telling people your passion is your main gig without any explanation. Challenging yourself beyond your limits, comfort, or skill set. Showing flaws. Learning what you do not know.
Cbabi Bayoc
Posted at 04:58h, 08 SeptemberDope work bro!