27 Aug 15Creatives15Days X CCF Spotlight: Erika Hill
1. What do you do and where do you do it?
I am a consultant who specializes in communications and program development. Typically, people call me when they want to get organized, formalize their message, and convey it to the right audience. I’m commissioned to manage projects in Columbus, Ohio and across the country.
2. Who/What are your biggest influences?
I’m influenced by a few people, including Rena Tom [renatom.net], Janine Vangool of Uppercase Magazine [uppercasemagazine.com], Tina Roth Eisenberg (a.k.a. Swiss Miss), and Jessica Hische [jessicahische.com], just to name a few. I’m drawn to individuals who embody their craft to the degree that it becomes larger than themselves, yet still manage to be themselves.
3. What does the term Creative Control mean to you?
Creative Control is essential when it comes to honing your talent, establishing your skill set, and respecting your gift–for your enjoyment and always for the benefit of others. Over time, I’ve learned that you’re only in control when you believe in what you do as much as everyone else.
For more info visit
Follow Erika on Twitter at @ehillco
Heather Westerfield
Posted at 04:32h, 09 SeptemberHello Erika, I really agree with your statement regarding creative and the fact that it establishes your skill set; it’s a great way to look at it. This adds another dimension and responsibility to the idea of creative control. It is a skill that should be for your enjoyment and for others to benefit. It gives you a chance to break away from restraints and think outside the box. You’ll never know if there is more to develop, if you don’t explore a creative side.