30 Aug 15Creatives15Days X CCF Spotlight: JAHSE
1. What do you do and where do you do it?
I am an artist. I am in the business of creating. I feel expression is
the only human impulse, everything else is in an effort to get to place
where one can feel safe to express. Traditionally I used photography as
my title medium. That is to say, I called myself a photographer to the
public for the purpose of commerce. But I have always practiced many
disciplines and still do today. My photographs are how I sum everything
up into a nice little package. But the real art is in how I live, the
things I do, what I think, how I feel. I am presently in Chicago.
2. Who/What are your biggest influences?
I have been influenced by everything, honestly I have. I am the summation
of millions of experiences, most of which I cannot call into memory. I
have been influenced nonetheless. My mother and father have influenced me
the most, truly. They have loved me the most, and they have made me the
most angry. They have inspired the most change in me. I am in response
to them. I really like Nobuyoshi Araki, Aaron McGruder, Mark Rothko, Kara
Walker, Irving Penn, BC Africanus, Wangechi Mutu, OSGEMEOS, the Coltranes,
Miles, Kanye, Jay, Bjork, Beethoven, etc, etc.
3. What does the term Creative Control mean to you?
Creative Control in terms of commerce means trust. If a client bestows
upon an artist a job of creating a work of art, then that artist has
creative control over the outcome. The business of creating art is unlike
any other business. In a world of companies and corporations mob rule is
in many ways the antithesis of what the artist stands for. Yet they need
one another. This is the art.
Creative Control is a term that really can’t exist outside of a commercial
setting. The term becomes an oxymoron unless profits and productivity are
JAHSE. 2014.
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