31 Aug 15Creatives15Days X CCF Spotlight: Marcus Head
1. What do you do and where do you do it?
I am a freelance Voice Talent and Producer for radio. Currently working from home in Atlanta, GA.
2. Who/What are your biggest influences?
Influenced most by the work of the greats that have come before me. National radio voices like Pat Garrett, Dr. Dave, and Mitch Faulkner. I’m probably one of the few people in this world that listen to radio promos and spots like its my favorite song! I turn the radio up loud, I’m listening closely to every word and how these guys said it. Then I turn the radio down and I emulate again, but with my own swag on it. Thats kinda how I practice. A wise man once told me, “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong place.” So I’ve filled my “room” with people who are doing it bigger and better than me. That includes my coach Calvin Isles AKA DJ AK “The Remix King.” In the last year he has taken me under his wing, and has shared so much knowledge in radio production especially. Also influenced by the great Mitch Faulkner who I speak with occasionally. In the industry we call him the Yoda of radio voice overs, so you can imagine what its like when I talk to him……..I dont do much talking, he does lol. I just take in all the knowledge.
3. What does the term Creative Control mean to you?
Creative Control is something I love to hear from my clients. They email me their info for whatever the project is and then they say, “Be Creative.” Having control of that is a major responsibility! My clients have left it up to me to represent them over the radio to hundreds of thousands of people. That pushes me to produce a masterpiece that sounds different from all the radio spots, dj drops, narrations, etc. that Ive already done. To me, creative control means its time to tap in to the endless possibilities that reside in my head, and bring them to life.
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