28 Aug 15Creatives15Days X CCF Spotlight: Brandon Douglas
1. What do you do and where do you do it?
I am a senior Graphic Designer & Producer for Interactive One located in Midtown NYC. You can also follow me on tumblr
2. Who/What are your biggest influences?
My education prior work experience was solely based in Television production. Back in 2006/7 I found myself working for a startup social media website. While the site eventually folded, they were ahead of other social sites by focusing on multimedia. We were lucky enough to be apart of film castings, studio sessions with popular singers and a handful of artists in Houston, Tx. I eventually lead the designs for promotions and marketing. I maybe too two photoshop classes in college, but I have a strong love for comic books and print media. You could say my biggest influences in the design I work on range from comic artists such as Frank Quitely & Arthur Adams to editorial director Jim Nelson (GQ) and creative director Grace Coddington (Vogue US). Those are a handful of the people that inspire me to tell a story in what I am doing, which is mostly advertising. I also draw inspiration from my co-workers and the community I live in (Crown Heights, BK).
3. What does the term Creative Control mean to you?
For me it means freedom to make something special for the client. The other day I was attending a music festival in Brooklyn and I came across advertising for bluetooth audio speakers that was similar in design to something I created for a music festival in Columbus last year. Of course mine was rejected for not targeting their assumed audience correctly (it was the same the audience, #butthatsnoneofmybusiness). What I am trying to get to is, as much creative control you may have, you can still potentially miss the clients mark 100%. But, that isn’t always a bad thing because if you believe in yourself and what you are doing you gain respect for it. That or your design doppelganger will reap all benefits.
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