24 Jun 15Creatives15Days X CCF Spotlight: J Work
1. What do you do and where do you do it? Well I’m the Chief Creative Officer of #JworkLimited my clothing brand, Part of the 3 head Monster of #Privilege614 event, and one of the founders of #SneakerFreaksColumbus, and also working on a project called #LootersLife. I’m doing everything right here in the city pour city Columbus. #OATW #Ohio #JAKFO
2. Who/What are your biggest influences? My biggest influence this year has been the word of God, I know that maybe a lot but it’s the truth everything is possible because he allows us his people the freedom to create our own life’s (Free Will). Second I have to say my son, I mean from day one this kid was born premature, fought all the odds and now 13 years later he here and standing on his own two feet playing Football (starter Offense and Defensive) getting good grades, and creating his own video game as we speak. This kid is amazing makes me want to do way more with my life. I’m also inspired by a lot of people other people to name drop a few Damond John (Fubu) has shown us that it can be done long as you willing to work your butt off for it you can achieve it. School Boy Q because he came from NO where to became successful from hard work, talent can only get you so far, he work his tail off. Kanye West man I can’t say enough maybe cause I feel like I understand what he is trying to say he is trying to break thru the fashion world, he was to be taken serious by a world that isn’t ready to have black fashion designers unless your making T-Shirts. My father and mother because they work hard for our family making sure we were able to dream and believe that we can do whatever we wanted to do growing up. Last my sister Portia Jenkins @beautyp, seeing her put up with different challenges going thru her modeling and acting career and never quitting has inspired me in many different ways over the years. 3. What does the term Creative Control mean to you? Creative Control to me means Freedom to be creative. Whether Its within music, art, or fashion, freedom is having control. Freedom is what people fear. A good friend of mine (TravDave) always say to me; there is no rules Maine, so that’s it right there. Freedom = No Rules! That’s what creative control means to me Freedom to Creative your own way of life.
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