Creatives Hustle HArder Tag

  1. What do you do and where do you do it? I am a dynamic graphic designer and photographer. I work for The Ohio State University and I also own a small business called 23rdletter. We specialize in corporate identity, branding, graphic design and photography...

Mariah Ward - Spring Reel 2014 from Mariah Ward on Vimeo. 1. What do you do and where do you do it? I am a director, videographer, Motionographer (Motion Graphics), and Independent Marketing Consultant from Columbus Ohio. 2. Who/What are your biggest influences? My family and friends...

1. What do you do and where do you do it? I am a Columbus based graphic designer and illustrator from Cleveland, I currently work as a Layout Designer at a apparel and accessories company called Print Syndicate. 2. Who/What are your biggest influences? My main influences...