01 Oct Valerie Thompson
Valerie Thompson is a 29 year-old native of Toledo, Ohio. She is a Marketing Strategist, Graphic Designer and owner of Leap Graphics, a full service graphic design firm specializing in print and web graphics. A graduate from University of Toledo with a B.A. in Graphic design, Valerie founded Leap Graphics during her senior year in 2005. Since then, her business has continued to grow by producing high quality graphic material and stellar customer service for a wide range of clients; handling everything from consultation to pre- press operations. She is an expert on brand creation, enhancement and promotion.
Valerie currently teaches Intro to Computer Design at Columbus State Community College and is a volunteer instructor with Through Mind’s Eyes, a technology based art program for teenagers 14 – 18. In addition, she presents seminars on Church and Non Profit marketing with a spiritual base.
Valerie is fully committed to giving back, mentoring and is very involved with providing up- and-coming graphic artists with guidance and opportunities for exposure. In addition, she assists several community wellness projects with her graphic design skills pro bono. She is a lover of God and is proud to be His child. Valerie will continue to use the skills God has blessed her with to further His kingdom and encourage His church to do the same
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