10 Sep CCF Creative Spotlight: Trae Wilborn
1. What do you do and where do you do it?
I am a dynamic graphic designer and photographer. I work for The Ohio State University and I also own a small business called 23rdletter. We specialize in corporate identity, branding, graphic design and photography solutions.
2. Who/What are your biggest influences?
I am influenced by any and everything I find aesthetically pleasing, from the clean precise lines of super cars and sport bikes to the natural patterns and textures found throughout the animal kingdom. I am always impressed by what man has produced and is capable of creating, but nature is and always will be the most prolific artist we will ever witness.
3. What does the term Creative Control mean to you?
Creative Control means you are the ruler of your domain and you answer to nothing or no one but the vision(s) in your head. You set the standard for creativity. Whatever you think is beautiful, IS beautiful, 100% of the time.
Graphic Designer
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